Islam visualizes the existence
of Jannat (Paradise) which is full of lust, worldly and sensuous
pleasures. The idea of Paradise was mainly to lure the then Arabs and Bedouins
living under extremely dry environment, devoid of worldly pleasures. Prophet
Muhammad- an extremely intelligent, a great visionary and a practical man,
realized that to materialize his narcissistic dream he needed to incite them
for his theo political objective.
Since the
inception of Islam thousands of Muslim youths have been brainwashed and lured
by the incredible lustful description of heavenly houries, wine, delicious
foods and luxurious life in Paradise. In Islam, Allah first creates Jannat
and then declares achieving it as the highest goal of life. "Only
one who is admitted to the Garden (Paradise) will have attained the object of
life" (3:187). Then assures Paradise as a reward
to a martyr of Jihad, where he will be wedded with seventy-two virgin houries
and will also be able to intercede for seventy of his relations for
Paradise. Attempt is made here to examine: 1) Who is eligible for
Paradise 2) Whether a martyr can intercede for any one else and 3) Whether he
can enter into Paradise immediately, after bring martyred.
Eligibility of Paradise
First of all the question arises who is eligible for Paradise and how can it be
achieved? according to Quran and Hadiths, the Islamic Paradise can be achieved
by four types of persons:
1) One who has accepted Islam as his religion i.e. he must be a Muslim only and not of any other religion.
2) He should have complete
faith only in Allah and Muhammad as His Messenger, and in whatever has been
commanded in Quran and Hadiths and has acted accordingly while performing
righteous deeds throughout his life.
3) One who has cheerfully sold
his life and property for waging Jihad in the Way of Allah and fighting against
the non-Muslims in exchange of the eternal pleasures of Paradise. And if killed
during waging Jihad, he would become a martyr and will have several other special
privileges in addition to achieving Paradise.
4) One who may not be directly
participating in Jihad, but if associated with any of the activities of Jihad
like, motivating, recruiting and training a person for Jihad, equipping him
with war materials, supporting financially various Jihadi activities, looking
after the family of that who has gone for Jihad till he returns back and even
one who is intensely and mentally keen to participate in Jihad though he stays
at home.
All persons
of the above categories are fully eligible for entry and pleasures of Paradise.
But amongst these a martyr will have the highest rank. In short, both Allah and
Prophet Muhammad, appear so keen to entice and allure maximum numbers of their
followers for waging Jihad against the non-Muslims and spread of Islam that
they are prepared to grant Paradise to anyone associated with any trivial
activity concerning Jihad. (For details see our Jihad and Jannat in Hadiths).
Special Privileges of a martyr
In the
realm of Islam, a martyr has the highest rank and has been provided several
special privileges in the Hadiths as below:
i. Miqdam b. Made kareb
reports that the Messenger of Allah said: "A martyr has in the sight of
Allah six characteristics:
1) He forgives him at the first gush
2)He will directly go to Paradise
3)He is delivered from the torment of the grave; he is safe from the great alarm (fear)
4)He is made to wear the garment of Faith
5)He will be married to seventy two wives of large dark eyed virgins (of Paradise) and
6)His intercession for seventy persons of his kith and kin will be granted."
(Majah, Vol 4: 2799, p 159; Mishkat, Vol 2: 44, p 352,Tirmizi)
2)He will directly go to Paradise
3)He is delivered from the torment of the grave; he is safe from the great alarm (fear)
4)He is made to wear the garment of Faith
5)He will be married to seventy two wives of large dark eyed virgins (of Paradise) and
6)His intercession for seventy persons of his kith and kin will be granted."
(Majah, Vol 4: 2799, p 159; Mishkat, Vol 2: 44, p 352,Tirmizi)
ii. Abu al Darda reported the
Apostle of Allah saying: "The intercession of a martyr will be
accepted for seventy members of his family". (Dawud,
Vol 2: 2516, p 699)
Here, out of these six privileges, we are examining only two claims: one that a martyr can intercede for his seventy relations and second he will not have to wait in his grave till the Day of Judgement (Qiyamat) and will enter into Paradise immediately.
Can a Martyr Intercede for Others
It is widely publicized amongst the Muslims that on the Day of Judgement, a
martyr will have the privilege to intercede for seventy of his relatives i.e.
he can recommend Paradise for them and Allah will accept his recommendations. (Dawud,
Vol 2: 2516)
of Intercession rests with Allah Only
An in-depth scrutiny and critical analysis of the Islamic scriptures reveals
that on the Day of Judgement only Allah will be the Supreme Master and Judge,
and none else; and there will be no intercession, as Islam believes in true
justice. In this context Quran says:
(a) "(Allah is the) Master
of the Day of Judgement." (Chapter 1, Verse 4)
(b) "O ye who believe!
Spend out of (the bounties) we have provided for you, before the Day comes when
no bargaining (will avail), nor friendship, nor intercession."
(Chapter 2, Verse 254)
(c) "Ye have
none, besides Him, to protect or intercede (for you)." (Chapter
32, Verse 4)
(d) Say, "To
Allah belongs exclusively (the right to grant) intercession."
(Chapter 39, Verse 44)
(e) "Give this
warning to those in whose (hearts) is the fear that they will be brought (to
judgement) before their Lord: except for Him they will have neither protector
nor intercessor: that they may guard (against evil)." (Chapter
6, Verse 51)
(f) "It
will find for itself no protector or intercessor except Allah."
(Chapter 6, Verse 70)
(g) "Then will
no intercession of (any) intercessors profit them." (Chapter
74, Verse 48)
(h) "Now, then,
we have none to intercede (for us)." (Chapter 26, Verse 100)
(i) "No
intercessor will they have among their partners, and they will themselves
reject their partners." (Chapter 30, Verse 13)
(j) "Whether you
ask for their forgiveness, or not (their sin is unforgivable): if you ask
seventy times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them."
(Chapter 9, Verse 80)
The above Quranic injunctions clearly show that on the Day of Judgement only
Allah will be the Supreme Judge; and He will decide the fate of every Muslim
strictly according to his/her deeds as found in Allah's records (36:12), with
no forgiveness; and will there be no intercession and no intercessor, even the
This concept is quite rational and reasonable as Islam believes in full justice
to one and all equally; and it strongly negates the doctrine of intercession
because it is a form of gross violation and deviation from the path of justice;
and is also a great source of injustice. If intercession is accepted by Allah,
then all crooks, criminals and con-men who may be relatives of a martyr, will
be eligible for Paradise. Thus the doctrine of intercession will be an insult
of Allah- the Just God.
Intercession by Allah's Permission
But to our great surprise, there are some ayats in Quran which reflect that the
same Just Allah discriminately allows intercession in case of those whom He
pleases as below:
(a) "No intercessor
(can plead with Him) except after his leave (has been obtained)." (Chapter 10, Verse 3)
(b) "On that day
shall no intercession avail except for those for whom permission has been
granted by the Most Gracious and whose word is acceptable to Him." (Chapter 20, Verse 109)
(c) "No
intercession can avail with Him, except for those for whom He has granted
permission." (Chapter 34, Verse 23)
(d) "How many-
so-ever be the angels in the heavens, their intercession will avail nothing
except after Allah has given leave for whom He pleases and that he is acceptable
to Him." (Chapter 53, Verse 26)
(e) "None shall
have the power of intercession but such a one has received permission (or
promise) from (Allah) Most Gracious."
(Chapter 19, Verse 87)
In the above ayats Allah takes a new twist, contradicts Himself and allows
intercession by those whom He pleases and permits intercession. But here also,
He does not specify and person and category of people whom this privilege is
granted. It is not any soul; and is neither any indication of Prophet Muhammad
nor of the Martyrs. But this sort of contradiction
and authority of Allah is nothing new as we find several deviations and
self-contradictions in the Quran.
Muhammad was Denied Intercession
Probably on the basis of the above ayats, Muhammad hoped to get permission, and
will then be the first intercessor on the Day of Judgement. But Allah does not
seem to oblige His Messenger to intercede for his own family members. In a
Hadith, Muhammad claims: "I will be the first intercessor and
the first (person) whose intercession will be accepted (by Allah)."
(Sahih Muslim Vol 1 : 5655, p 1478). But in this same Hadith
-Sahih Muslim, Muhammad himself accepts that his intercession was not accepted
fully even for his mother (Amina) and his all life protector,
uncle Abu Talib (who did not accept Muhammad's religion until the end)
as below:
(a) The Prophet said: "I (Muhammad) sought permission (of Allah) to
beg forgiveness for my mother, but He did not grant it...(permission) to
me." (Sahih Muslim, Vol 2: 2129, p 557)
(b) Naarrated
by Abbas b. Abd-al-Muttalib that he said: "Messenger
of Allah, have you benefited Abu Talib in anyway for defended you and was
fervent in your defense?" The Prophet said: "Yes: he would be in the
most shallow part to fire: and but for me he would have been in the lowest part
of Hell." (Sahih Muslim Vol 1: 408, pp 166-167).
Thus Prophet's
intercession was not fully accepted by Allah and the Prophet could not save his
own mother and fatherly uncle from the Hell-Fire. It is because the Prophet
knew that he had no power of his own as evident from the Quran below:
(a) "I
have no power over any good or harm to myself except as Allah willeth. If I had
the knowledge of the Unseen, I should have multiplied all good, and no evil
should have touched me." (Chapter 7, Verse 188
of the Holy Quran)
(b) The Messenger
of Allah said, "O People of Quarish! Buy yourself from Allah, I
cannot avail you at all against Allah: O sons of Abd al-Muttalib, I cannot
avail you at all against Allah: O Abbas b Abd al Muttalib I cannot avail you at
all against Allah. O Sahiya (aunt of the Messenger of
Allah) I cannot avail you at all against Allah; O Fatima, daughter of
Muhammad, ask me whatever you like, but I cannot avail you at all against
Allah." (Sahih Muslim, Vol 1: 402, p 165)
Despite this,
the Prophet assures his seven thousand (7000) Ummah to
intercede for them provided Allah approved his request and he would be the
first for this purpose as below:
(i) The Prophet said,
"There is for every apostle a prayer which is granted, but every Prophet
showed haste in his prayer. I have, however, however reserved my prayer for the
intercession of my Ummah on the Day of Resurrection and it would be granted if
Allah so willed in case of everyone amongst my Ummah provided he dies without
associating anything with Allah." (Sahih
Muslim Vol 1: 389, p 162)
(ii) The Prophet said,
"Seventy thousand people of my Ummah would be admitted into Paradise
without rendering any account. They (the companions) said: Who would be those
(fortunate persons)? He (the Holy Prophet) said, "Those who do not
cauterize and practice charm but repose trust in their Lord." (Sahih Muslim Vol. 1: 422, pp 169-170).
(iii) The Prophet said,
"I would be the first among people to intercede in the Paradise and
amongst the apostles I would have the largest following (on the Day of
Resurrection)". (Sahih Muslim Vol 1: 381,
p 161)
the above hadiths it can be broadly concluded that:
1) Intercession even of Prophet
Muhammad was not accepted by Allah and will not be accepted of anybody else
without the approval of Allah
2) However, if approved by Allah, the Messenger of Allah will be the first person whose intercession will be accepted and not of anybody else; and that too will be on the Day of Judgement and not before it.
2) However, if approved by Allah, the Messenger of Allah will be the first person whose intercession will be accepted and not of anybody else; and that too will be on the Day of Judgement and not before it.
3) Intercession of a martyr,
even if approved by Allah, will be accepted after Muhammad on the Day of
Judgement and not before it.
It is
neither surprising nor illogical, if Prophet Muhammad's intercession was not
accepted by Just Allah, before the Day of Judgement because as per our studies
of the Quran, Allah had not allowed the permission and authority to Muhammad to
intercede in his personal matter and also those of his relatives and followers
including the martyrs. And it is quite rational and logical as per the doctrine
of Justice in Islam. Yet the Muslim apologists go on harping on the
intercessory powers of Prophet Muhammad and the jehadi martyrs.
In Quran, no
forgiveness is enjoined to anybody but in a Hadith Prophet Muhammad is claimed
to seek forgiveness for himself from Allah.
reported that Allah's Messenger at the time of breathing his last was reclining
against her chest and she was learning over him and listening to him as he was
saying: O Allah, grant me pardon, show mercy to me, enjoin me to
companions (on High)" (Sahih Muslim Vol 4: 5986, p 1564)
In this
context Anwar Shaikh rightly comments: "It is obvious that a person who
himself needs mercy and begs for it, is in no position to intercede for
others." (Islamic Jihad by Anwar Shaikh, page 72).
It may not be lost sight of the fact that Muhammad was also a man and a mortal.
he lived like a man and died as a man and was buried like a common man in his
grave. The Quran says: "Truly you will die (one day), and truly
they (too) will die (one day). In the End will you (all) dispute on the Day of
Judgement in the presence of your Lord?" (Chapter
39, verses 30-31)
only this, he is subject to God's punishment like all other mortals while
quoting Quran, Anwar Shaikh writes, "Set not up with God another
God, or you (Muhammad) will be cast into Gehenna (hell), reproached and
condemned." (Chapter 17,Verse 39 of the Quran quoted in Islam
and Human Rights by Anwar Shaikh, p 73) This
indicates that Prophet Muhammad will also be judged and resurrected like any
common man and therefore, he will have no intercessory authority, what to say
of a martyr.
Can a Martyr Enter Paradise Immediately?
The Quran is
silent on this issue except when it says:
1) "Think not of
those who are slain in Allah's cause as dead, Nay, they are alive, finding
sustenance in the presence of their Lord." (Chapter
3, Verse 169)
2) And say not of those who are
slain in the way of Allah: "They are dead". May they are living
though you perceive it not." (Chapter 2 Verse 154).
This is
ambiguous in several respects.
However according
to the Hadith referred earlier (Majah 4: 2799) a martyr will
have not to wait in his grave; and is shown his abode in Paradise only. Thus he
does not enter into the Paradise immediately but is shown his abode therein.
Further a close
examination of various hadiths indicates that a martyr and even the Prophet
will have to wait till the Day of Judgement as below:
a. The Messenger of Allah
said: The first group will enter Paradise on the Resurrection Day with shining
faces like the brightness of the moon in the full moon light and the second
group like mot shining and resplendent star in the firmament." (Mishkat, Vol 4: 23, p 167)
b. Sulaiman b. Yasar heard the Prophet saying: "The first of men
(whose case) will be decided on the Day of Judgement will be a man who died as
a martyr." (Sahih Muslim Vol 3: 4688, p
c. Abu Hurairah
reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "Surely the first men who will
be brought for the Judgement on the Resurrection Day will be one who was (well
known as) a martyr. He will be brought and be reminded of favors on him, which
he will recognize. Then he will ask, what did you do therein? He will reply: I
fought for you till I was martyr. (Mishkat
Vol 1 : 114 page 411)
d. Imam Muslim writes, "Ibn Umar reported that Allah's
Apostle said: 'When a person dies, he is shown his seat in morning and evening.
If he is one among the inmates of Paradise, he is shown his seat in Paradise
and if he is amongst the denizens of Hell Fire, he is shown his seat in
Hell-Fire. Then it is said to him "That is your seat where you be sent on
the Day of Resurrection."'" (Sahih Muslim, Vol 4: 6858 page
e. The Prophet said,
"Amongst the apostles, I would have the largest following on the Day of
Judgement and I would be the first to knock at the door of Paradise." (Sahih Muslim Vol 1: 382, p 181)
f. The Messenger of
Allah said, "I will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of
Resurrection and would seek its opening, and the keeper would say: 'Who are
you?' I would say: 'Muhammad.' He would then say 'It is for you that I have
been ordered and not to open it for anyone before you.' " (Sahih Muslim Vol 1: 384, page 161)
All the above
hadiths clearly confirm that:
1) Even the first batch of
martyrs and inmates of Paradise will enter on the Day of Judgement
2) The martyrs will be shown
only their place in Paradise but they would enter only on the Day of
Judgement, and not immediately
3) Prophet Muhammad will be the
first person to reach at the gate of Paradise which will not be opened to
anybody else before him
4) Even he will also have to
wait till the Day of Judgement. Hence no martyr will enter immediately after
martyrdom and will enter only after Muhammad on the Day of Judgement.
Now the
question arises: How long a devout Muslim or a martyr will have to wait for
Paradise? The Muslims of early Islamic period became impatient to know from
Prophet Muhammad the exact time when the Day of Judgment would be. In this
context the Quran says: "They ask you (Muhammad) about the
final Hour- when will be it appointed time? Say (O Muhammad): The knowledge
thereof is with my Lord (alone); none but He can reveal as to when it will occur:
Heavy were its burden through the heavens and the earth, only, all of a sudden
will it come to you." (Chapter 7, Verse 187).
Prophet Muhammad expressed his ignorance about the time of Day of Judgement.
However, the Quran and Hadiths describe the various damaging and alarming
conditions in the world and moral degradation in people, but give no exact time
of the Day of Judgement. In short, it will be sudden.
Hence, there is the complete uncertainty about the exact date and time of Day
of Judgement and so is the uncertainty of getting Paradise by a martyr and a
pious Muslim; and till that time, all Muslims will remain buried in their
Surprisingly this idea has a resemblance with the idea of the Day of Judgement
of Christianity where Jesus also did not know the exact Day of Judgement. Bible
says, "But of the Day of Judgement and the Hours knoweth no
man, not the angels which are in the Heaven, neither the Son (Jesus), but the
Father." (Mark 13: 32-33)
Besides this
there is another problem due to the explanation given by the Prophet of the
Quranic Ayats (3:169) on martyrdom referred earlier. In this context Imam
Muslim writes in his Hadith:
followers asked the meaning of the Ayat: 'Think not those who are slain
in of their Lord...." (3:169). The Prophet said: "The souls
of the martyrs live in the bodies of green birds who have their nests in
chandeliers hung from the throne of the Almighty. They eat fruits of Paradise
from wherever they like and then nestle in the chandeliers. Once their Lord
asked them, "Do you want anything?"....Then Lord asked them the same
question thrice, then they said: "O Lord! We wish that you may return our
souls to our bodies so that we may be slain in Your way once again."
(Sahih Muslim Vol 3, No 4651, p 1261) In the note no 2345 of
this Hadith the editor explains that this idea of the soul in the body of the
bird is found in Jewish Encyclopedia as "The souls of righteous live like
birds in cages guarded by angels. The souls of the martyrs have a special place
in Heaven." (Vol VI, p 566).
commenting on this topic Serge Trifkovic writes:
"The reports
both in the Quran and the Hadith concerning Paradise, the houris, and the
silk-adorned youths, the jinn and the angel of death have been directly taken
from the ancient books of the Zoroastrians." (W. St. Clair Tisdall, Sources
of Islam). "The Persians have also originated the story
that on the Day of Judgement all people will have to cross a bridge stretched
across hell leading to Paradise, on which the unbelievers will stumble and
fall". (The Sword of the Prophet by Serge
Trifkovic , p 70)
If, according to
Prophet Muhammad, "The souls of martyrs live in the bodies of green
birds", then how can a martyr become a youth of 33 years with virility of
100 men to enjoy seventy-two maidens provided so generously to each inmate of
the Paradise?
aforementioned evidences lead us to conclude that on the Day of Judgement there
would be no intercession and no one can intercede except Allah, and neither
Muhammad nor any angel or martyr, of Jihad is authorized to intercede for any
one for Paradise. It is so because intercession is totally against the basic
doctrine of Justice in Islam. And yet this is contradicted many times in the
Hadiths and also in the Quran as we have seen. So when the Quran and the
Hadiths themselves cant properly tell what exactly is the scope of
Intercession, then how can one assume that Islam is true?
Moreover, even if
we presume for a moment that Allah may permit intercession to whoever He
pleases, it is not likely to be executed before the Day of Judgement whose time
is unknown even to the Prophet, and only Allah knows. hence intercession is
quite uncertain. Further Allah, in Quran does not specify that he would
authorize a martyr of Jihad to intercede for his seventy relatives as claimed
in Hadith. Therefore possession of intercedary powers by a martyr or any human
soul is unfounded and is a myth as the Quran explicitly says: "It
will be the Day when no soul shall have power to do aught for another: for
command that Day will be wholly with Allah." (Chapter 82, Verse 19). Hence
claiming any sort of intercession by a martyr of Jihad is not only against the
basic commands of Quran but is also an insult of Allah- the Lord of Justice.
Further the
Hadiths confirm that a martyr will be shown only his seat in Paradise but his
entry will be only after the Prophet on the Day of Judgement (Qiyamat) and not
immediately. Till that day he will have to wait in his grave. Since the time
and date of Day of Judgement is quite uncertain and unknown, so is the entry of
a martyr, a Jihadi an Islamist or a righteous Muslim into Paradise in
uncertain. Hence Paradise is a MIRAGE for the Muslims. Note how many contradictions
we have seen in all this- having zero intercession powers at times, partial
intercession and whole intercession (for Muhammad only). From all these
mistakes and contradictions it should be very obvious that JANNAT IS A MIRAGE.
Actually the
gullible Muslim youths are brainwashed and are victims of the Islamists and if
they could understand the truth of these Hadiths, they can be saved from a
great disaster. This is why Philosopher E Renan says that: "Muslims
are the first victims of Islam. Many times I have observed in my travels in the
Orient, that fanaticism comes from a small number of dangerous men who maintain
the others in the practice of religion by terror. The best service that one can
render a Muslim, is to liberate him from his religion". (Quoted in Why
I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq)
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