All we need to prove that the Quran is
not from God is one error. A book from God cannot contain even one
mistake, and even if a book contains no error, it is no proof that it is
from God, since even a human can write a book without any mistake.
Every single sentence in the Quran can be explained from Muhammad’s own
socio-cultural background, just like any perfectly human product. Since
2001, Ali Sina has announced an award of US $ 50,000 for
anyone who can find in the Quran a single sentence which proves by its
contents that the Almighty had dictated it, or proves that Muhammad was a
Messenger of God, or even disproves any of the dozen allegations made on Muhammad by him. Till now, no one has ever collected the prize in more than 16 years. Islam stands or falls with Muhammad’s prophet-hood.
The case against Islam is not limited
to its record of intolerance, aggression, persecution and barbarity,
practices like sex-slavery and its open doctrine of convert or kill (Quran 9:5).
Quite apart from its violent nature, self-righteousness and its
anti-national attitudes, Islam is reprehensible for the simple and more
universal reason that it is not true.
Allah is supposed to be omniscient.
For such a Being it should be very easy to demonstrate some knowledge
which is beyond the reach of ordinary human beings like Mohammed, say,
being able in 620 AD to predict the events of 2000 AD, or to give the
then-unknown chemical formula of water, or to write a then-unknown
language including modern Arabic. This would not be proof of omniscience
yet, but at least proof that the Quran is not the handiwork of an
ordinary mortal; but nothing of the sort is done in the Quran. Moreover,
the Quran contains many contradictions
and mistakes, both in terms of modern physical and medical knowledge
and in terms of its references to Biblical characters and events, e.g.
saying that Samaritans lived at the time of Moses, whereas in reality the city of Samaria was founded more than 500 years after the time of Moses.
Faithful believers go to any level to
bend all rules of logic to deny the undeniable, defend the indefensible
and explain the unexplainable. Why should there be a need to explain
contradictions in a ‘clear book’? The best answer to show that
the Quran must not be interpreted in any other way than its obvious
meaning comes from the Quran itself. The Quran repeatedly claims to be a
“clear book” (5:15) “easy to understand” (44:58 , 54:22 , 54:32, 54:40)
“explained in detail” (6:114), “conveyed clearly”, (5:16, 10:15) and
with “no doubt” in it (2:1). For such a book, if errors and
contradictions appear to be obvious, then the book itself should clarify
the explanations- human explanations to clarify clear contradictions
reveal that the book needs human interpretations to understand.
Now let us see some clear mistakes of the Quran.
1- Quran 2: 74 “Then
your hearts became hardened after that, being like stones or even
harder. For indeed, there are stones from which rivers burst forth, and
there are some of them that split open and water comes out, and there
are some of them that fall down for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.”
This verse says that some Rocks fall
down for ‘fear of Allah’. Rocks are non-living things, who do not have
any emotions like fear. This is a ridiculous, absurd statement in the
Quran, which shows that it is the statement of a man with a limited
intelligence, and not God. A real God would know that Rocks do not have
2- Quran 41:11 “Then
He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and
to the earth, “Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion.” They
said, “We have come willingly.””
This verse says that Heaven and Earth
have wills of their own to obey or disobey God. They also talked to God
and said “We have come willingly”. Even a little grown-up children will
know that non-living beings like the Earth and Heaven cannot have wills
of their own, and cannot talk. A real God or even any intelligent man
would know that Earth and Heaven do not have emotions.
3- Quran 13:13 “And the thunder exalts [ Allah ] with praise of Him – and the angels [as well] from fear of Him – and He sends thunderbolts and strikes therewith whom He wills while they dispute about Allah ; and He is severe in assault.”
This verse says that the thunder (of rain) praises God. Again, a non-living thing praising God is a big mistake.
4- Quran 13:15 “And
to Allah prostrates whoever is within the heavens and the earth,
willingly or by compulsion, and their shadows [as well] in the mornings
and the afternoons”
This verse says that SHADOWS prostrate before God. They are of course, non-living.
5- Quran 17:44 “The
seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in them exalt Him. And
there is not a thing except that it exalts [ Allah ] by His praise, but
you do not understand their [way of] exalting. Indeed, He is ever
Forbearing and Forgiving.”
This verse says that Earth and
Heavens praise God, exalt God. Again, small children can believe it, but
not grown ups or even a little grown children. Non living objects like
Earth are just that-non living.
6- Quran 33:72 “Lo!
We offered the trust unto the heavens and the earth and the hills, but
they shrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And man assumed it.
Lo! he hath proved a tyrant and a fool. “
This verse says that Heavens, Earth
and Hills refused to accept God’s trust and were ‘afraid’ of God’s
trust. These are non-living objects who have no feelings like ‘Fear’ and
cannot ‘refuse’ God’s trust.
7- Quran 55:6 “And the stars and trees prostrate”
The stars are non-living beings which cannot prostrate before God.
8- Quran 59:21 “If
We had sent down this Qur’an upon a mountain, you would have seen it
humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah . And these examples We
present to the people that perhaps they will give thought”
This verse says that a mountain has fear of Allah. Naturally mountains are non-living things having no emotions of fear.
9- 20:85-88, 95 “He
said: Lo! We have tried thy folk in thine absence, and As-Samiri hath
misled them. Then Moses went back unto his folk, angry and sad. He said:
O my people! Hath not your Lord promised you a fair promise? Did the
time appointed then appear too long for you, or did ye wish that wrath
from your Lord should come upon you, that ye broke tryst with me? They
said: We broke not tryst with thee of our own will, but we were laden
with burdens of ornaments of the folk, then cast them (in the fire), for
thus As-Samiri proposed. Then he produced for them a calf, of saffron
hue, which gave forth a lowing sound. And they cried: This is your god
and the god of Moses, but he hath forgotten…. (Moses) said: And what
hast thou to say, O Samiri?"
However, at the time of
Moses, Samaria did not exist and there was no one known as
Samaritan. Samaria was a hill belonging to Shemer that was purchased by
King Omri where he founded the city of Samaria about 870 B.C. The
Samaritans as a distinct people only emerged after the exile of the
Northern Kingdom of Israel and the resettlement of the area under king
Sargon II after 722 B.C. Moses lived in around 1400 years B.C. That is
five to seven centuries before anyone could be called Samaritan
(Sameri). Therefore, the explanation of the Quran that Samaritans led
the Jews to worship a calf cannot be correct. At the time of Moses
Samaria did not exist and no one could be the citizen of an inexistent
city. This full article will comprehensively reveal this mistake
10- Quran 39: 6 “He created you from one being, then from that (being) He made its mate; and He hath provided for you of cattle eight kinds.”
There are of course, many more than 8 kinds of cattle. This list on wikipedia gives many more
11- Quran 42 :10 “And in whatsoever ye differ, the verdict therein belongeth to Allah. Such is my Lord, in Whom I put my trust, and unto Whom I turn.”
Clearly, these can’t be God’s words.
It is quite obvious that these are Muhammad’s words. This is a clear
mistake of the Quran, since it is supposed to be the Word of God, not
Muhammad. Muhammad forgot that the Quran should have been the word of
God, and let slip words which obviously reveal are his. This shows that
it is Muhammad, not God, who wrote the Quran.
12- Quran 50:30 “On the day when We say unto hell: Art thou filled? and it saith: Can there be more to come?”
This verse says that Hell will talk to God. Hell, just like Heaven (assuming it exists) is a non-living entity with no ability to ‘talk’ to God. This incidentally also contradicts 78:37 which says that no one can converse with God, but here in this Verse it says that Hell will converse with God.
13- Quran 51:50-51 “Therefor
flee unto Allah; lo! I am a plain warner unto you from him. And set not
any other God along with Allah; lo! I am a plain warner unto you from
Him. “
Clearly, these cant be the words of God. They are obviously the words of Muhammad. In
the translation by Pickthall, he says in his comments that it appears
that it is the revealing angel who is saying this. Irrespective of
whether these are the words of the revealing angel or of Muhammad, why
are they in the Quran which is supposed to be the Word of God? Either way, they are not God’s words. Obviously these are Muhammad’s words, who forgot that the words should be God’s.
14- Quran 51:49 : “And all things We have created by pairs, that haply ye may reflect.”
This is a clear mistake. Not all animals have pairs, such as aphid, hydras, budding, Binary Fission, etc
15- The Quran says: The food for the people in Hell will be only “Dhari” 88:6, “only foul pus from the washing of wounds” 69:36, and “they also get to eat from the tree of Zaqqum” 37:62-66?
This is a clear contradiction. Muslim explanation: Here,
someone tries to explain the unexplainable by saying that God is simply
saying that food in Hell will be horrible and that God uses different
words for the same thing. This is a clear contradiction-foul pus
is different from Dhari and tree of Zaqqum is also different. Nowhere
is it said in the Quran that Dhari is same as pus and Zaqqum’s fruits. Forcible explanations to explain the unexplainable clear contradiction are all wrong.
These are just a few of the numerous
mistakes of the Quran. There are many more, more than 1000 mistakes in
the Quran itself and thousands more ridiculous tales in the Hadith.
Today the “communal” or rather the
“terrorist” problem is simple, and so is its solution. The root cause of
the terrorist attacks on Europe (eg. Germany, France, Spain, UK etc),
USA, riots in India, terrorist acts of the Islamic State, Boko Haram,
Taliban etc is the Islamic doctrine of permanent hostility against the
unbelievers. As the Quran says: “Fight them until idolatry is no more
and religion belongs to Allah alone” (2:193 and 8:39), and: “Enmity and hate shall reign between us until ye believe in Allah alone” (60:4).
More than 70 passages in the Quran teach that non-Muslims are to be
shunned and treated as enemies, that they are bound for hellfire, and
that rulership in this and bliss in the next world is reserved for
Muslims alone. This body of doctrine is further corroborated and
enriched with like-minded statements and model acts of Mohammed and his companions, and systematized by theologians and jurists.
The solution is obvious: remove the
intrinsically communal and separatist doctrine of Islam from the minds
of its misguided followers. Educate them so that they can laugh at the
primitive beliefs which have held them captive for so long, just as
adults can take a laugh at their own childhood illusions. Indeed, frank
debate on ideas is inversely proportionate with riots and bomb attacks. For
this reason, the secularist editors and professors and politicians who
suppress debate on the record and doctrines of Islam are among the chief
culprits of the world’s communal conflagrations. There is the
“secular”, Leftists’ effort to shield Islam from rational investigation
and informed debate. Everyone should make and support every
effort to expose Islam and break the spell it has cast on hundreds of
millions of people now known as Muslims. Those who are spreading the
truth of Islam, like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer
etc need to mention the obvious mistakes of the Quran which show Islam
as false too, which will enable Muslims to see the truth and leave Islam. They stick to Islam despite these mistakes mainly for fear of Hell and death to apostates.
Today, the liberation of the Muslims from Islam should be a top priority for all those who care about the world’s future. This
is all the more obvious when we notice that in the Muslim world itself,
many writers have stood up to publicize their break with Islam, and to
show their brethren the way out of the religion which was forced on them by Mohammed and his companions.
Some have done so from a newfound atheist conviction (e.g. Taslima
Nasrin), others from a rediscovery of the ancient ever-young
spirituality of the Vedic tradition (e.g. the late Anwar Shaikh), and
others simply after realizing that Islam is false, eg. Ali Sina, which
Taslima Nasrin and Anwar Sheikh also did. Given the intolerance for
dissident opinions in the Muslim world, and given the actual spate of
murders and murder attempts against fellow dissidents, each one of these
apostates has had to muster far more courage than sensible people will
need when they finally speak up against Islam in the relative safety and
freedom of the secular world in Europe, USA and even India.
Mohammed’s own contemporaries were
almost unanimous in dismissing his “revelations” as anything but divine,
though they disagreed on whether his problem was demonic possession (as
is still taught by some Christian missionaries) or just his imagination
ran wild. Except for a few followers (no more than 70 or 80 people in
12 years of preaching from 610 AD to 622 AD), everyone saw through his
claims, and asked him to tell his God to at least show the Angel Gabriel
to them. Modern scholars have analyzed Mohammed’s behaviour and
“revelations” as typical symptoms of paranoia. At any rate, there is
nothing God-given about the Quranic revelation.
Even after seeing clear mistakes
revealing Islam as false, many Muslims stick to it giving absurd and
far-fetched explanations merely for the fear of Hell and hope or rather, mirage of Paradise.
The Muslims need to realize that if they stick to Islam despite knowing
it is false, and despite seeing the mistakes of the Quran, they will go
to Hell, not Heaven.
That will not be for merely following a false prophet and a false
religion, but for attributing insanity to God (calling God as Jealous),
despite knowing the mistakes of the Quran.
Islam visualizes the existence of Jannat
(Paradise) which is full of lust, worldly and sensuous pleasures. The
idea of Paradise was mainly to lure the then Arabs and Bedouins living
under extremely dry environment, devoid of worldly pleasures. Prophet
Muhammad- an extremely intelligent, a great visionary and a practical
man, realized that to materialize his narcissistic dream he needed to incite them for his theo political objective. In fact, early Islam was sustained by fear of Hell. Many Muslims throughout history are on record saying that Islam survived for so long only due to two factors- death penalty given to apostates (anyone leaving Islam) and fear of Hell.
In coming parts we will see other
such blatant mistakes of the Quran, which reveal that it is not the word
of God, and which should enable Muslims to leave Islam. One actually
doesn’t even need such blatant mistakes in the Quran to show that it is
not the word of God. This fact becomes more than obvious when one
studies the context in which these ‘revelations’ of God come to
Muhammad. One finds that Allah never fails to confirm what his
prophet is planning to do in order to serve the latter’s cause in a
particular situation. Ayesha, the favorite wife of Muhammad had seen
through this game and summed up her observation in a Hadith recorded, saying: “I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 311).” The full text of Ayesha’s statement is:
“Narrated Aisha:Dayananda Saraswati had rightly characterized the Allah of the Quran as Muhammad’s domestic servant.
I used to look down upon those ladies who had given themselves to Allah’s Apostle and I used to say, “Can a lady give herself (to a man)?” But when Allah revealed: “You (O Muhammad) can postpone (the turn of) whom you will of them (your wives), and you may receive any of them whom you will; and there is no blame on you if you invite one whose turn you have set aside (temporarily).’ (Quran 33:51) I said (to the Prophet), “I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.””
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