Part 1:
Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Debate on Quran 9:5, the 'Sword
Part 2: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Muhammad, Not Meccans, Broke Hudaybiyah Treaty
Part 3: Challenge from Ahmed: Islam-watch Remains Live; Ahmed Leaves with Respect
From Ahmed,
Subject: I challenge you
MA Khan’s reply:
From Ahmed
Do you have an objection to this? If so, why?
MA Khan's response:
Debate between editor MA Khan and Mr. Ahmed:
Part 1: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Debate on Quran 9:5, the 'Sword Verse'
Part 2: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Muhammad, Not Meccans, Broke Hudaybiyah Treaty
Part 3: Challenge from Ahmed: Islam-watch Remains Live; Ahmed Leaves with Respect
So you’re just taking and considering things on your own without any Islamic support. The story which you have failed to understand is, to why Allah revealed Surah Tawba (Bara’at). He said the Muslims have to break any treaty with the deceptive pagans:
Debate between editor MA Khan and Mr. Ahmed:
Part 1: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Debate on Quran 9:5, the 'Sword Verse'
Part 2: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Muhammad, Not Meccans, Broke Hudaybiyah Treaty
Part 3: Challenge from Ahmed: Islam-watch Remains Live; Ahmed Leaves with Respect
Greetings Mr. Khan,
Dear Ahmed,
Websites like and are the only ones which reveal the harsh truth. Unfortunately, they are being banned rapidly by non-Islamic Governments (Muslim nations already have banned them). To read some of the most important articles it is necessary to preserve another copy of them. This is one of them.
The infamous 'Sword Verse' of the Quran (Chapter 9, Verse 5) says: "When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever you find them, take them captive, besiege them, seize them, ambush them. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Benevolent, Merciful!"
Is this is the final status of unbelievers in Islam, or is the above quote irrelevant, out-of-context and has some other meaning? The below debate answers this question comprehensively.
Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Debate on Quran 9:5, the 'Sword Verse'
03 Dec, 2008
Part 2: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Muhammad, Not Meccans, Broke Hudaybiyah Treaty
Part 3: Challenge from Ahmed: Islam-watch Remains Live; Ahmed Leaves with Respect
Dear readers, we received the following challenge from a Muslim
brother, named Ahmed, to
close down our site ( We are very keen to close it down if the
brother can prove us wrong; we have promised it and we will stand by
it. Below is our exchange so far:
From Ahmed,
Subject: I challenge you
I am a Muslim, who is determined in destroying one of your silly
concepts that Surah 9:5 advocates Terrorism. I would like to debate
you regarding this Surah, as I already did to other Christians
(knowing you’re all not), and refuted this claim. I challenge you
for it, and if you ever did win me, I promise you, I am ready to
leave Islam!!
- This is to show you my determination my friends, and hopefully realize your grave mistakes.
MA Khan’s reply:
To our understanding, this verse was designed for
Idolaters/Polytheists, which defines their final status in Islam. It
gives them the choice between death and Islam.
Please send your arguments and let the debate begin.
We look forward to be proved wrong and close the site.
From Ahmed
Do you know this verse was brought in a war situation? The
context is, the pagans and the Muslims had a peace treaty between
them; the treaty was called the Treaty of Hudaiybiyah. But the
Pagans have broken the treaty by attacking Muslim’s allies. Then,
out of mercy, they were given three options:
1) To break the treaty2) To break their relationship with Banu Bakr (the Pagans allies who attacked the Muslim allies - Banu Khuza)3) To pay blood-money for the dead Khuza.
But the pagans, to show their non-interest in peace with Muslims,
decided they have to break the treaty, they chose option one. After
that, Mohammed (pbuh) and his army declared war with those pagans.
Then they were given yet ANOTHER option, which is to either repent
of their DEEDS, and become good citizens OR be killed to discontinue
their filthy actions. So this was actually justified.
But as you can see, the whole thing was started by the pagans
(looking at the whole context through hadith, the Quran and tafsir).
MA Khan's response:
This verse has no relations with the breaking of the
Hudaibiyah Treaty. This verse was revealed one year after Muhammad
conquered Mecca in the 8th year of Hijra. The early part of the Sura,
verses 1–37, was revealed on the occasion of Hajj in the 9th year of
Hijra. Maududi comments on the revelation of Sura that,
Ibn Kathir comments on the revelation of the verse that,The first discourse (vv. 1-37), was revealed in Zil-Qa'adah A.H. 9 or thereabout. As the importance of the subject of the discourse required its declaration on the occasion of Haj the Holy Prophet despatched Hadrat Ali to follow Hadrat Abu Bakr, who had already left for Makkah as leader of the Pilgrims to the Ka'abah. He instructed Hadrat Ali to deliver the discourse before the representatives of the different clans of Arabia so as to inform them of the new policy towards the mushriks.
Ibn Kathir adds:The first part of this honorable Surah was revealed to the Messenger of Allah when he returned from the battle of Tabuk, during the Hajj season, which the Prophet thought about attending. But he remembered that the idolators would still attend that Hajj, as was usual in past years, and that they perform Tawaf around the House while naked. He disliked to associate with them and sent Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, to lead Hajj that year and show the people their rituals, commanding him to inform the idolators that they would not be allowed to participate in Hajj after that season. He commanded him to proclaim,﴿بَرَآءَةٌ مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ﴾
Quran 9:5 says,Abu Ma’shar Al-Madani said that Muhammad bin Ka’b Al-Qurazi and several others said, "The Messenger of Allah sent Abu Bakr to lead the Hajj rituals on the ninth year (of Hijrah). He also sent ‘Ali bin Abi Talib with thirty or forty Ayat from Bara'ah (At-Tawbah), and he recited them to the people, giving the idolators four months during which they freely move about in the land. He recited these Ayat on the day of ‘Arafah (ninth of Dhul-Hijjah). The idolators were given twenty more days (till the end) of Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, Safar, Rabi’ Al-Awwal and ten days from Rabi` Ath-Thani. He proclaimed to them in their camping areas, ‘No Mushrik will be allowed to perform Hajj after this year, nor a naked person to perform Tawaf around the House.''' So Allah said,
On the significance of verse 9:5, the verse of the sword, Ibn Kathir writes:But when the forbidden months (i.e., 4-month grace-period given in verse 9:2) are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
(Caliph) Abu Bakr As-Siddiq used this and other honorable Ayat as proof for fighting those who refrained from paying the Zakah. These Ayat allowed fighting people unless, and until, they embrace Islam and implement its rulings and obligations. Allah mentioned the most important aspects of Islam here, including what is less important. Surely, the highest elements of Islam after the Two Testimonials, are the prayer, which is the right of Allah, the Exalted and Ever High, then the Zakah, which benefits the poor and needy. These are the most honorable acts that creatures perform, and this is why Allah often mentions the prayer and Zakah together. In the Two Sahihs (hadiths), it is recorded that Ibn `Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,«أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أُقَاتِلَ النَّاسَ حَتَّى يَشْهَدُوا أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَأَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللهِ وَيُقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُوا الزَّكَاة»(I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish the prayer and pay the Zakah.) This honorable Ayah (9:5) was called the Ayah of the Sword, about which Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim said, "It abrogated every agreement of peace between the Prophet and any idolator, every treaty, and every term.'' Al-`Awfi said that Ibn `Abbas commented: "No idolator had any more treaty or promise of safety ever since Surah Bara'ah was revealed. The four months, in addition to, all peace treaties conducted before Bara'ah was revealed and announced had ended by the tenth of the month of Rabi` Al-Akhir.''
Therefore, in the words of Islamic scholars whom you advise me to
consult, this verse is the verse of the sword. It also
defines the final status of Idolaters, Pagans, Animist Atheists etc.
in Islam, which is conversion to Islam or the sword of Islam.
I hope you are convinced that you did not do your homework for
the challenge you declared. We are still keen to shut down this
side. We look forward to your next installment; but please do your
homework before you send your next response. Otherwise, it’s waste
of our time.
To the question of breaking the Hudaibiyah
Treaty, it is Muhammad who broke the treaty, not the Quraysh. I
have an article on Hudaibiyah Treaty for your reference:
Tactics of Hamas and the Prophet's Treaty of Hudaibiyya.
Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Muhammad, Not Meccans, Broke Hudaybiyah Treaty; It Has No Connection with Sword Verse 9:5- Part II of the debate
06 Dec, 2008
- Readers, Mr. Ahmed has returned me the following response to the first installment in this debate. My response follows.
I also take this opportunity to announce
that my book, entitled Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion,
Imperialism and Slavery, will soon be published.
Debate between editor MA Khan and Mr. Ahmed:
Part 1: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Debate on Quran 9:5, the 'Sword Verse'
Part 2: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Muhammad, Not Meccans, Broke Hudaybiyah Treaty
Part 3: Challenge from Ahmed: Islam-watch Remains Live; Ahmed Leaves with Respect
- From Mr Ahmed:
- Greetings Khan,
- Here is the response for your arguments.
I fear you made a huge mistake in your arguments, and to make matters worse, you said a lot of things but wouldn’t provide any evidence, especially from Hadith or Quran.
Let me provide you myself with evidences:
Here, first, this is how the treaty was pledged:
And here is the evidence that Pagans broke the treaty:"In the name of God. These are the conditions of Peace between Muhammad (SAW), son of Abdullah and Suhayl ibn Amr the envoy of Mecca. There will be no fighting for ten years. Anyone who wishes to join Muhammad (SAW) and to enter into any agreement with him is free to do so. Anyone who wishes to join the Quraish and to enter into any agreement with them is free to do so. A young man, or one whose father is alive, if he goes to Muhammad without permission from his father or guardian, will be returned to his father or guardian. But if anyone goes to the Quraish, he will not be returned. This year Muhammad (SAW) will go back without entering Mecca. But next year he and his followers can enter Mecca, spend three days, perform the circuit. During these three days the Quraish will withdraw to the surrounding hills. When Muhammad and his followers enter into Mecca, they will be unarmed except for sheathed swords which wayfarers in Arabia always have with them." (Sahih Muslim 19:4401)
Taken from here:
The Quraish realized they had broken the treaty with the Messenger by attacking the Muslims' allies.Khuza’ah had no choice but to inform the Messenger, their ally, that Banu Bakar and their allies Quraysh had unilaterally broken the treaty of Hudaybiyah by attacking them. The Messenger promised them, "I will prevent from you what I will prevent from myself." (Ibn Hishaam)
Some further evidence:
In 629 AD, the Muslims made The first pilgrimage. Two years
later, in 630 AD, a skirmish between the Bedouin tribe of Khuza'a
and the Banu Bakr tribe which was an ally of the Quraysh occurred;
this was a breach of the treaty as one of the clauses of the
treaty was 'An attack on an ally of the party, will be considered
an attack on the party itself'. Muhammad offered the Quraish three
1. Dissolve their alliance with the Banu Bakr.
2. Compensate by paying blood money.
3. State that the treaty stood dissolved.
The Quraish chose the third alternative. Thus, Muhammad was
left with 'no alternative' but to march on Mecca. He, along with
10000 men, marched to Mecca where he gave orders that old or sick
men, children, men who dropped their arms, men who stayed in their
homes, or people who stayed in Abu Sufyan's home were not to be
harmed and no trees were to be cut.. Thus, there was no bloodshed
in the conquest.
Islam spread widely and quickly during the two years that the
treaty was in effect. While Muhammad had one thousand four hundred
followers when he signed the treaty in Hudaybiyya, he had well
over ten thousand for his conquest of Mecca two years later. (Sirat
ul Rasool )
And here is some historical evidence for you my friend:
Behind the Treaty of HudaybiyyaISLAMIC SUPREME COUNCIL OF AMERICA - SUMMER 2002
Recently, a number of authors and commentators in the media have referred to the Treaty of Hudaybiyya - between Prophet Muhammad and his adversaries, the Quraysh - as something on which recent Mideast peace efforts have been based. Unfortunately, such references have stated, more often than not, that the Hudaybiyya Treaty was a temporary truce into which the Prophet Muhammad entered with the leaders of Mecca, then subsequently violated.
ISCA is concerned that this falsehood, that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, violated the Treaty of Hudaybiyya is being repeated throughout the world. For the sake of better understanding, we will briefly elucidate the actual circumstances of the breaking of the Treaty of Hudaybiyya.
The treaty was established in 628 CE between Prophet Muhammad and the Quraysh tribe, rulers of Makkah, several years after the Prophet migrated to Madina to escape the Quraysh's vicious persecution of the Muslim faithful.
In the years preceding the treaty, the Prophet had transformed Madina into a city-state ruled by a constitution (agreed upon among the local Arab tribes, Jews and Muslims), and had begun to propagate the faith, sending preachers throughout Arabia and nearby lands.
Seeing Islam's successful and rapid growth, the Quraysh had sent armies time and again to destroy the fledgling Muslim state, without success. Fearing the loss of their prestige and power as custodians of Arabia's idolatrous religion, the Quraysh continued fighting the new Muslim community, but lost a series of decisive battles.
Six years after migrating to Madina, the Prophet decided to make the lesser pilgrimage to Makkah, which years of warfare with the Quraysh had prevented. Despite his willingness to enter the Holy City with his companions unarmed, and with the intention to perform the rites of the pilgrimage and leave, the Quraysh refused him entry. The Prophet's companions urged him to fight to defend his right to perform the ritual, but the Prophet always preferred to seek a peaceful solution instead of resorting to bloodshed. Therefore, at a place known as Hudaybiyya, he agreed to a truce - an agreement that he would return to Madina without completing the pilgrimage. Other conditions were imposed that were disadvantageous to the Muslims but the Prophet agreed to them in order to avoid bloodshed.
It was agreed that:
1. All hostilities should cease for ten years;
2. Any one leaving the Quraysh to join the Prophet without the permission of his guardian or chief should be returned to Makkah;
3. Any Muslims joining the Quraysh should not be returned to the Muslims;
4. Any tribe seeking to enter into alliance with either with the Quraysh or the Muslims should be at liberty to do so;
5. The Muslims should return to Madina on the present occasion without advancing further; and
6. They should be permitted in the following year to visit Makkah and to remain there for three days.
The following year, the Prophet made the pilgrimage, according to the terms of the Treaty and unopposed by the Quraysh.
Near the end of the seventh year after migration, the Quraysh and the tribe of Bani Bakr attacked the Bani Khuzaah tribe, who were allies of the Muslims. This incident directly violated the treaty of Hudaybiyya (cf. item 1 above) and the Bani Khuzaah appealed to the Prophet for help and protection.
However, even then the Prophet did not act in haste. Instead he sent a letter to the Quraysh demanding payment of blood money for those killed, and a disbandment of their alliance with the Bani Bakr. Otherwise, the Prophet said, the treaty would be declared null and void.
Quraysh then sent an envoy to Madina to announce that they themselves considered the Treaty of Hudaybiyya null and void. However, they immediately regretted this step and Quraysh leader Abu Sufyan himself traveled to Madina to renew the contract. Despite being the greatest enemy and persecutor of the Muslims, no hand was laid on him. He was permitted to enter the Prophet's mosque and announce that he was reinstating the Treaty of Hudaybiyya." His tardy announcement was unheeded by the Muslims and Abu Sufyan returned to Makkah in humiliation before his people.
It was only then, after the Muslims had honored a treaty that was largely disadvantageous to them, after they refused to respond to the Quraysh's breach of the contract, and the Quraysh's subsequent nullification of said contract, that the Prophet prepared to retake of Makkah. He, therefore, did not breach the Treaty of Hudaybiyya.
So you’re just taking and considering things on your own without any Islamic support. The story which you have failed to understand is, to why Allah revealed Surah Tawba (Bara’at). He said the Muslims have to break any treaty with the deceptive pagans:
- Look at the verses:
9:1. A (declaration) of immunity from Allah and His Messenger, to those of the Pagans with whom ye have contracted mutual alliances:-
9:2. Go ye, then, for four months, backwards and forwards, (as ye will), throughout the land, but know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah (by your falsehood) but that Allah will cover with shame those who reject Him.
As you can see that we are talking about the pact here whose
performance has been made void on Muslims by God Almighty.
Verse 9:2–3 speaks of the warning to given to pagans and
dissolution of the treaty. Muslims are commanded to grant asylum
to pagans if they ask for one. This shows us the tolerant nature
of Islam. Pagans were welcomed and protected in Muslim community.
This destroys all arguments that Muslims are to kill pagans/non
Now you said that Muslims were the first one who broke the
treaty and hence were the offenders which is absolutely wrong and
hilarious. Our focus now would be verse 4:
9:4. (But the treaties are) not dissolved with those Pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfil your engagements with them to the end of their term: for Allah loveth the righteous.
As you can see in the emphasized text that Muslims are to
continue performance of the treaty with those Pagans who have not
violated the terms of the treaty. But only with those who made
treacherous attempts against Muslim Community, The Messenger Of
God by taking part with the enemies of Islam and betrayal of
It is clearly written in the next half part of Verse 4 that
treaty should be fulfilled of its term. So again it goes against
your argument that Muslims first broke the treaty. As orders given
to Muslim were to stop performance AGAINST THOSE who have BREACHED
THE TERMS OF TREATY. So the terms of treaty were violated first.
And read the whole verse of Surah 5. It says if they repent, they would be forgiven.
And also, see what it says here:
12. But if they break their solemn pledges after having concluded a covenant, and revile your religion, then fight against these archetypes of faithlessness who, behold, have no [regard for their own] pledges, so that they might desist [from aggression].13. Would you, perchance, fail to fight against people who have broken their solemn pledges, and have done all that they could to drive the Apostle away, and have been first to attack you? Do you hold them in awe? Nay, it is God alone of whom you ought to stand in awe, if you are [truly] believers!
This clearly shows that the Muslims stand true to those who
stand true to them, AND if they are attacked or provoked, they
have the right to defend themselves. In verse 13, it clearly says
wouldn’t the Muslims fight the people who brake their treaties and
wish to drive them away.
Now I think I have done my homework, and hopefully you
understand that your misconception is totally wrong, and just wish
that you at least read the whole Surah and the historical
Thanks and waiting for your response.
AhmedMA Khan's response:
Mr Ahmed insisted that verse 9:5 is somehow related to the
Hudaibiyah Treaty for which I could not see any evidence in the
commentaries of the star Islamic scholars, whom he asked to me
consult. The articles he has pasted above also do not make this
claim. He proves that the great scholars whom he initially asked
me to refer are nothing but a bunch of ignorants, idiots. Mr.
Ahmed also wants to prove that he himself is the greatest scholar
of Islam, although he did not produce any evidence of his
credentials. He is obviously very little read in Islamic
literatures other than copying and pasting some contents from
various Islamic Websites.
When I inquired with him whether he agrees with the great
scholars of Islam who proudly called Quran 9:5 as the “ayah of the
Sword” (Ibn Kathir in his tafsir of Quran 9:5 gives the title:
“This is the Ayah of the Sword”) and that it gives a general
choice of death and Islam to all idolaters, he disagreed. He
insisted that it only applied to the pagan Quraysh. His assertion
not only rebuffs the great scholars of Islam but also makes a
mockery of his God Allah’s sanity; He loads the Quran with so many
verses like 9:5 that has no relevance today. The Quraysh and
pagans of Arabia were exterminated by such verses 14 centuries ago
and Muslims still have to ape these poisonous verses, also of no
significance to their life. Mr Ahmed proves Allah is a big-size
A couple of points first:
1. Mr Ahmed accuse of me using no Quranic and Hadith references in my previous comment. I hope, this response would would satisfy him.2. Mr Ahmed says, "read the whole verse of Surah 5. It says if they repent, they would be forgiven."
Mr Ahmed is being deceptive here and using that part of the verse that suits him. Actually it says, "but if they repent, and establish regular prayers (Namaaz) and practise regular charity (Zakat), then open the way for them...." In other words, if the pagans become Muslims, then forgive them. Mr Ahmed feels that they should be killed even after they become good Muslim.
Moving on, I will first prove once again that Muhammad broke
the Hudaybiyah Treaty, not the Quraysh. Then I will prove
conclusively that verse 9:5 has no connection to this treaty at
Before proceeding, I also want to assure Mr Ahmed that
although he has promised to leave Islam if he failed to succeed in
his challenge, I personally would not insist that he leaves Islam.
‘Leaving Islam’ is the most difficult proposition for Muslims
although I feel that any human being having a
reasonable understanding of this religion would not want to be pat
of it for a second.
I am happy that he engaged in a decent debate,
that he is willing to engage with us, instead of trying to
terrorize or throw vulgarities. However, I would assure him that I
will close his site if proven wrong: I have made this promise when
I set up this site and will stand by it.
The Genesis of the Hudaibiyah Treaty. The drama of
Hudaybiyah Treaty started when Muhammad saw a dream of occupying
Mecca in early 628 CE [Ibn Ishaq, p. 505]. Thereupon, Muhammad
ordered preparation for attacking Mecca. He urged all nearby
non-Muslim tribes to join his expedition; none came on board as it
was a dangerous mission. Meccans were the strongest community in
the Hejaz. At length, Muhammad marched toward Mecca with some
1,300 to 1,525 armed Muslims during the lesser pilgrimage (omra)
in April 628.
When the Meccan heard of Muhammad’s approach, they prepared
themselves to stop the invaders at any cost. Hearing of this
determined preparation of the Meccans, who had assembled some
10,000 fighters a year earlier in the Battle of the Ditch,
Muhammad camped at Hudaybiyah outside Mecca. And changing his
tune, he sent a message to Mecca that he did not come for fighting
but to perform omra only. After an intense negotiation, a treaty
was signed, which Mr Ahmed has cited above. The fact that
Muhammad’s original intention was to occupy Mecca comes from the
following passage in Ibn Ishaq [p. 505]:
The apostle's companions had gone out without any doubt of occupying Mecca because of the vision which the apostle had seen, and when they saw the negotiations for peace and a withdrawal going on and what the apostle had taken on himself, they felt depressed almost to the point of death.
In case, Mr. Ahmed would still deny that Muhammad wanted to
attack and occupy Mecca on this occasion, let us hear from Al-Zuhri,
a prominent companion of Muhammad. In order to appease the unhappy
murderous Jihadis who were game for blood, notes Al-Zuhr: ‘The
apostle then went on his way back (from Hudaybiya) and when he was
half-way back, the sura al-Fath (Victory) came down: 'We have
given you a plain victory that God may forgive you your past sin
and the sin which is to come and may complete his favor upon you
and guide you on an upright path'’ [Ibn Ishaq, p. 505–06].
Muhammad, a more level-headed military strategist, signed the
rather disadvantageous treaty fearing that an armed confrontation
could involve immense blood-shedding on his own side; it could
probably be the end of his religious mission, too. Howsoever
nonsensical it sounds, Allah and his apostle did not feel least
ashamed of calling this treaty—a disadvantageous one as every
Muslim including Mr. Ahmed knows—a Victory (in Sura al-Fath) for
Muhammad had no right to enforce the Hudaybiyah Treaty:
Before proceeding further to examine who breached the treaty, let
us first examine whether Muhammad had any right to enforce the
signing of the treaty. To a rational, fair-minded person, he had
no right. Ka’ba was the centre of religious devotion for the
pagans of Arabia; omra and hajj were centuries-old pre-Islamic
pagan rituals. Muhammad, as founder of a new religion, had no
right to perform the rituals of the pagans, and less so, in
latter’s temple. For a rational person, Muhammad should have
created his own set of rituals and his own centre of religious
devotion to perform them. This clearly demonstrates Muhammad’s
mental and intellectual incapacity of the highest degree. And his
attempt to usurp the pagans’ religious rituals and perform them in
their most sacred temples through a potentially blood-letting
military attack makes the whole thing abhorrent; it was nothing
less than a barbaric attempt on Muhammad’s part.
Who truly breached the treaty: As Mr. Ahmed cited
above, Muslims universally claim that the Meccans broke the
treaty, not Muhammad [Saudi
Ministry of Hajj Website]. Many Western scholars have also
joined the Islamic chorus. One such Kafir scholar is Dr Daniel
Pipes, who is universally hated by Muslims for his objective
analysis of Islam. He says, ‘Muhammad was technically within his
rights to abrogate the treaty, for the Quraysh, or at least their
allies, had broken the terms’ [Pipes, p. 185]. This alleged breach
by the Quraysh relates to an ongoing feud between two third-party
tribes: Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza’a. Banu Bakr was an ally of the
Quraysh, while Banu Khuza’a was of Muhammad.
According to Al-Tabari, a merchant named Malik bin Abbad of the
Banu Bakr confederate, on his trade-journey was attacked by Banu
Khuza’a; they killed him and took his property. In retaliation,
Banu Bakr killed a man from Banu Khuza’a. In their second turn of
attack, Banu Khuza’a killed three brothers, the leading men of
Banu Bakr, namely Salma, Kulthum and Dhu’ayb. In the counter
retaliation, Banu Bakr killed one Banu Khuza’a man, named Munabbih—in
which, a few Quraysh men allegedly assisted Banu Bakr in the
darkness of night [Al-Tabari, Vol. VI, p. 160-162].
Since Banu Khuza’a was now Muhammad’s Mawla
[confederate], the Quraysh has breached the Hudaybiya Treaty
according to scholars like Pipes and 1.4b Muslims. With the
Hudaybiya Treaty broken, Muhammad was legally justified in
attacking Mecca. Let me address a few crucial points ignored here:
The first thing ignored here is that the Banu Khuza’a initiated the feud by killing and robbing a merchant from Banu Bakr. Banu Khuza’a had attacked Banu Bakr twice, killing four men. Banu Bakr attacked twice, to retaliate only, and killed two Banu Khuza’a men. Khuza’a had killed two extra Banu Bakr men, the leading ones of the tribe. Mr Ahmed and his 1.4b Muslim cohorts talk about the payment of blood money. Ahmed says that Muhammad gave the Quraysh ultimatum to “Compensate by paying blood money.” If Mr Ahmed has some minimum human sense, it is Khuza’a and their Mawla Muhammad who owed ‘blood money’ for the killing of two extra men from Banu Bakr.
Secondly, if blood money was to be demanded, it should have been demanded from Banu Bakr, the directly involved party in the feud. If they refused, Muhammad, if he had any human sense of justice, could, at best, have assisted Banu Khuza’a in attacking Banu Bakr, not the Quraysh. Howsoever unjust that might have been, Muhammad could at best help in Banu Khuza’a’s attack of Mecca; he had no right whatsoever to attack Mecca for his own conquest. In civilized sense, Muhammad’s attack of Mecca was totally without any ground: a barbarous one at that.
Muhammad broke the treaty, not the Quraysh: The
second-most important point, the likes of Pipes and 1.4b+ Muslim
cohorts totally ignore is the fact that Muhammad broke the terms
of the treaty at the earliest opportunity, time and again before
the preposterous claim of Quraysh’s breach of it came up. Soon
after the treaty, Abu Basir, who had embraced Islam but was held
back by his parents in Mecca, escaped and came to Muhammad at
Medina. When two Meccans came to take him back, Muhammad obliged
as he was bound to send him back according to the treaty. On the
way back, Abu Basir took the sword from his escorts and
slaughtered one of them. The other man ran to Muhammad; Abu Basir
chased him wielding the blood-soaked sword. Muhammad mildly
rebuked him and let go. Muhammad broke the treaty twice
here: firstly failing to return Abu Basir to Mecca and secondly,
killing a Meccan. Killing a Kafir is the most halal thing
in Islam; no blood-money, no justice applies.
That was not the end of Muhammad’s breach of Hudaybiyah
Treaty; more barbarous breaches were to come. With connivance,
probably secret encouragement, of Muhammad, Abu Basir formed a
raiding brigand consisting of some 70 of Muhammad’s followers and
unleashed a barbarous spree of attacking and plundering Meccan
caravans, sparing none of the attendants alive. Ibn Ishaq writes
of Abu Basir’s actions:
Then Abu Basir went off until he halted at al-'Is in the region of Dhu'l-Marwa by the sea-shore on the road which Quraysh were accustomed to take to Syria… About seventy men attached themselves to him, and they so harried Quraysh, killing everyone they could get hold of and cutting to pieces every caravan that passed them.
Seeing no hope that Muhammad would at all respect treaty, the
Quraysh gave up on it; instead, says Ibn Ishaq, the ‘Quraysh wrote
to the apostle begging him by the ties of kinship to take these
men in… so the apostle took them in and they came to him in
Medina.’ The fact that Abu Basir's brigand gave up their barbarous
actions as soon as Muhammad called them back to Medina means that
their activities were directed by him. It must not be forgotten
that Muhammad killed in hundreds of those who did not accept his
invitation to embrace Islam (i.e., Jews of Banu Quraiza, Khaybar
and Banu Mushtaliq etc.) [Ibn Ishaq, p. 507–08]. His disciples
could no way disobey him.
A woman convert named Umm Kulthum d. 'Uqba b. Abu Mu'ayt, also
held back by her family, escaped from Mecca and came to arrived
Medina. Muhammad refused to return her when the Meccans came to
take her back [Ibn Ishaq, p. 509]. He broke the treaty once
No connection between ‘Sword Verse 9:5’ and Hudaybiyah
Treaty: Described above is the story of the Hudaybiyah Treaty.
Undoubtedly, Muhammad’s attempt to occupy Mecca in 628, which led
to the treaty, was totally unacceptable. Secondly, Muhammad
breached the treaty directly and multiple times from the word ago,
often in the most cruel and barbarous manners. Thirdly, regarding
the allegation of Quraysh’s breach of Hudaybiyah Treaty, Islamic
literatures say that a few Quraysh men helped the Banu Bakr’s
attack of Banu Khuza’a in the ‘darkness of night.'
This means that nobody saw them; this sounds to me an unfounded
accusation to invent an excuse to attack Mecca (nothing new for
Muhammad; he did it quite often like his attack of Banu Nadir in
625). Even if the allegation was true, Muhammad and his Mawla
Banu Khuza’a still owed the blood-money for killing two extra Banu
Bakr men. (Indeed, Muhammad directly owed the blood-money for
killing many Quraysh men and plundering their caravans during the
two-year period of Hudaybiyah Treaty before Muhammad threw
it away.) If at all, Muhammad should have helped Banu Khuza’a in
attacking Banu Bakr, who were directly involved in the feud; he
could no way attack the Quraysh for his own conquest of the city.
Moving on, because of the preposterous allegation of Quraysh’s
breach of the treaty, Muhammad attacked Mecca in 630 and quenched
his vengeance. Let’s accept it, Muhammad did the right thing; the
issue was settled. But the verse 9:5 (indeed, verses 9:1-37) was
revealed in 631, one year after Muhammad threw away the Hudaybiyah
Treaty and captured Mecca. If Mr Ahmed was to link up verse 9:5
with Hudaybiyah, the question naturally arises:
Why Allah and Muhammad bring up the ‘Hudaybiyah breach’ issue again one year after it had been settled?
It appears that Mr Ahmed, his God and Prophet believe in
double-vengeance for the same breach.
Why the ‘Sword Verse 9:5’ or Quran 9:1–37 was revealed? Indeed, the first part of Sura Tauba (i.e., Quran 9:1–37), which included the ‘Sword Verse 9:5’, was for Muhammad’s double-vengeance of some kind; to be accurate, for creating an excuse for the next round of vengeance and violence against the Meccans and all idolaters of Arabia with any ground, whatsoever. In Muhammad’s conquest of Mecca, some kind of tolerance, although cruel at its best, was given to the Pagans of Mecca. It comes from the following story in Ibn Ishaq (and other pious biographies of Muhammad).
When Muhammad approached Mecca in 630 with his huge invincible army, the Quraysh leader Abu Sufyan, one of Muhammad’s many fathers-in-law, quickly set off in the darkness to meet Muhammad for persuading him not to attack the city. On the way, Abu Sufyan met his brother Al-Abbas, who had joined Muhammad’s party. Al-Abbas promised to protect him and led him to Muhammad. On the way, Omar al-Khattab (second caliph of Islam) wanted to cut off his head, but al-Abbas stopped him [Ibn Ishaq, p. 547].
The next morning Abu Sufyan was brought to Muhammad’s presence.
According to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad said, ‘Isn’t it time that you
should recognize there is no God but Allah?’ Abu Sufyan never
believed that Mohammed was a prophet and hesitated. To this, an
angry Muhammad exclaimed, ‘Woe to you, Abu Sufyan! Isn’t it time
that you recognized that I am the apostle of God?’ To which he
answered, ‘As to that I still have some doubt.’ Seeing a grave
situation that Abu Sufian would lose his head right away, al-Abbas
forcefully intervened and told Abu Sufian, ‘Submit and testify
that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the apostle of God
before you lose your head.’ Abu Sufyan had no choice but to comply
to save his head. Al-Abbas then requested Muhammad to do something
for Abu Sufyan’s people. To this request, Muhammad said, ‘He who
enters Abu Sufyan’s house is safe, and he who locks his door is
safe and he, who enters the mosque (the Ka’ba) is safe’ [Ibn
Ishaq, p. 547–48].
Abu Sufyan returned to the Quraysh and informed them of this
concession Muhammad gave to them. He also had famously said,
‘Aslim Taslam’: that is, ‘be a Muslim and you are safe’
(some commentators also attribute it to Muhammad). Accordingly,
when Muhammad entered Mecca the next day, only a small group of
recalcitrant Meccans, who fell on Khalid ibn Walid’s army, showed
a meek resistance. Khalid slaughtered those who fell within his
reach and pursued others who ran to save their lives up the hills.
The rest, terrified as they were, did not resist and were not
violated by Muhammad. A large number of them, some 2,000, also
took up Abu Sufyan’s or Muhammad's warning ‘Aslim Taslam’ and accepted Islam. The day of
pilgrimage soon arrived; this year, both the remaining
idolaters and Muslims, including Muhammad, performed hajj
together. The ‘agreement’ or ‘treaty’, mentioned in these verses
of Surah Tauba, refers to this concession given to the Quraysh at
the time of the conquest of Mecca in 630, not the ‘Hudaybiyah
Treaty’ signed three years earlier (628).
Why Allah (aka Muhammad) needed this verse? After the
conquest of Mecca, Muhammad had become the undisputed dictator of
Arabia. Now was the time for the final settlement of issues with
the remaining non-Muslims of Arabia: Pagans, Jews and Christians.
The early part of Sura Tauba [Quran 1–37] was revealed to settle
the question of the Pagans, Jews and Christians; it defines their
final status in Islam.
Muhammad began his mission mainly to abolish polytheism from
Arabia. Monotheistic Judaism, Christianity etc. could be tolerated
by giving its followers hard choices; but polytheism,
idol-worship, partnership to God are the most abhorrent, evil
deeds in the world to Muhammad and his Allah. It could not be
tolerated; less so their access to the Ka’ba and presence in the
holy city of Mecca. Allah slowly devised his strategy to
exterminate the remaining Pagans, most urgently from Mecca, the
heart of Islam. After taking Mecca in 630, one whole year the
polytheists were allowed to worship in the Ka’ba—a
permission Muhammad had given them at the time of its capture. But
Muhammad, having now become the undisputed tyrant of Arabia, could
not tolerate it any further. He had become so abhorrent of
idolatry that he skipped the hajj pilgrimage of next year (631);
he did not want to come in contact with the idolaters while
performing hajj alongside them. He could not keep away from the
Ka’ba, the centre of his whole mission, for long either. So, Allah
revealed these verses of Surah Tauba in order to completely purify
Mecca and the Ka’ba from the filth of idolatry. Muhammad sent Ali
to announce these verses during the hajj rituals of 631, so that
Muhammad could perform hajj the next year without coming in
contact with the filthy, abhorrent polytheists. And, indeed,
Muhammad went performed hajj the next year (632), incidentally the
last for him as he soon died. This was also the first time that
only Muslims performed the centuries-old Pagan ritual of hajj in
the Ka’ba. Idolaters were never permitted to the Ka’ba, not even
in the holy city of Mecca and Medina to this day.
While conquering Mecca, Muhammad, in haste, agreed that those
Pagans, who would not oppose his entry into Mecca, would be
allowed to practice their religion without setting any time-limit,
i.e., indefinitely. He did not realize that they would resist
Islam for long. So, to exterminate those recalcitrant Quraysh
pagans, the initial verses of this Sura were revealed. In Quran
9:1, Allah dissolves the mutual agreement that was made with the
Quraysh (through Abu Sufian) while conquering Mecca; he now gave
them four months to decide on accepting Islam; if not, they must
face the sword [Quran 9:2,5]. In verses 9:3 and 3:7, some treaties
with friendly Pagan tribes, namely Bani Kinanah, Bani Khuza’ah and
Bani Damrah, were excluded from this dissolution [See Maududi’s
tafsir of verse 9:7]. The durations (one, two, three years or
whatever) of those treaties were allowed to be completed before
they must convert to Islam. But Ibn Kathir says in the tafsir of
verse 9:3 that those treaties were also not allowed to exceed the
four-month grace period given in verse 9:2. Muhammad had also
probably changed his mind about those friendly tribes soon
afterward. Moreover, since Muhammad wanted to perform hajj next
year in the absence of filthy idolaters, verse 9:28 banned them
from entering the Ka’ba any further:
O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque…
I have said that this part of the Sura [Quran 9:1–37] was to
finalize the status of non-Muslims in Islam. Verses 9:1–28
outlined a blueprint for wiping out the idolaters/polytheists from
Islamic lands, who cannot be tolerated according to canonical
Islam, Muhammad's Islam. Thereafter, in remaining verses, namely
Quran 29–37, Allah defined the final status of monotheists (Jews,
Christians etc.) in Islam. Verse 9:29 commands Muslims to fight
and kill them until they are defeated; their women and children
are enslaved (as happened with Banu Quraiza, Khaybar and Banu
Mustaliq Jews); they feel subdued to Islam and pay jizyah in
willing humiliation:
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
I think I have explained the issue to the satisfaction of
readers. I am sure, Mr Ahmed and any diehard Muslim would not
agree with it and will come back with some cut and paste counter.
These modern scholars of Islam, whom Mr Ahmed cuts and pastes, are
the master liars in the world (and they will never give any
references from original sources or only what suits their case.
How will they give proper references from original sources? They
are truthful; these modern lies cannot to be found in them). As an
example, the first article pasted by Mr Ahmed says:
Seeing Islam's successful and rapid growth (in Medina), the Quraysh had sent armies time and again to destroy the fledgling Muslim state, without success. Fearing the loss of their prestige and power as custodians of Arabia's idolatrous religion, the Quraysh continued fighting the new Muslim community, but lost a series of decisive battles.
This is an absolute lie. The Quraysh never aggressively
attacked Muslims. The first bloody confrontation between the
Meccans and Muhammad's party took place at Nakhla, when Muhammad
sent a group of raiders there. One must take into account that
Nakhla was nine days’ journey from Muhammad's abode Medina and
only two days’ from Mecca. The Meccan party consisted of a
trade-caravan attended by three Quraysh men and Muhammad’s side
had eight armed attackers. Muslims killed one of the Quraysh,
enslaved one with another escaped and plundered the caravan.
Next, the Badr battle occurred when the Quraysh sent a rescue army
to save a huge trade-caravan which was returning from Syria under
Abu Sufyan’s care and Muhammad’s army tried to plunder. The battle
of the Ditch, the only battle in which the Quraysh took the
initiative, occurred because Muhammad’s continued plundering of
Meccan caravans along any routes in Arabia had made their
life-sustaining caravan-trades with foreign lands nearly
impossible. Read any original biography of Muhammad—by Ibn Ishaq,
Ibn Sa’d, Al-Waqidi or Al-Tabari; this is the story they will
unequivocally tell, never otherwise.
If Mr Ahmed comes with some convincing counter-arguments from
original sources, instead of pasting articles of the current
generation of master liars of Islam, I will respond. Else, this is
my last in this debate. I am hard-pressed on time.
Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad, Oxford University Press, Karachi
Al-Tabari, The History of al-Tabari, State University of Press, New York
Allah, The Quran (Three most accepted translations available at
Maududi AA, Tahfeem-ul-Quran, Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi; also available online at (
Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Ibn Kathir,
Pipes, D, Militant Islam Comes to America, WW Norton, New York
Challenge from Ahmed: Islam-watch Remains Live; Ahmed Leaves with Respect (Part III)
03 Dec, 2008
Debate between editor MA Khan and Mr. Ahmed:
Part 1: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Debate on Quran 9:5, the 'Sword Verse'
Part 2: Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch: Muhammad, Not Meccans, Broke Hudaybiyah Treaty
Part 3: Challenge from Ahmed: Islam-watch Remains Live; Ahmed Leaves with Respect
Greetings Mr. Khan,
I will be with all honesty with you. I admit, I am unable to
continue now, and that I have checked all Islamic sources as I can,
but I couldn't find refutations to your claim. All people who engage
in a debate on this issue do claim 9:5 has a relation with Treaty of
Hudaibiyyah, but you have some kind of solid proof against me. So I
admit defeat in this. I am not a scholar, so I am not ready to
continue in a very hard debate.
Let me tell you something. Although you and many of your
supporters have shown little to nothing amount of respect towards me
or any Muslim, I do respect you for your research and works. After
seeing Ali Sina's site,, and your site, a seed of doubt have
been planted in my heart and ever since, and the more I looked, the
more I feel separated from Islam. I tried to search for the
truth. I am a Muslim, as for now, and I have been raised Muslim, and
truthfully saying, I do not see any other faith which is more
logical than Islam. Christianity is the most illogical religion, as
well as Hinduism. Judaism is completely baseless - they are still
waiting for a Messiah!! And many other faiths have problems too.
But let me ask you a question: If you think Islam is not true,
than what is the truth? Which is the path to God? And if you are an
atheist, please do not tell me that there is no God, because I find
that the claim about this existence and universe came by accident
even more illogical than these illogical religions! I firmly believe
in the existence of God, and ONE God.
I am in complete state of confusion. My children and my wife are
Muslims, and they look upon me as their role model, and I feel
ridiculous and very, very bad to be like this. I now know, that
Islam may not be the truth that has been told to me, and Mohammed
may not be a 'proper' prophet and role model - but I also know that
there is no other logical religion other than it.
This has been happening for more than a year now - and I do need
someone to help me find the truth. Jesus said seek the truth and the
truth will set you free, but his prophesy is not getting fulfiled
according to me.
One of the reasons why I started to doubt about Mohammed is when
I saw Jesus says ""love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do
good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use
you and persecute you."
But I never recalled Mohammed saying things like this! Even if it
is Paul who said those words, I am generally against violence - I
want to follow a path of love, tolerance, peace, and filled with
justice - but worshipping one God.
Anyways, sorry for making this long, and thanks for your debate
and patience. I will continue to search for the truth - if Islam is
indeed the ultimate truth, I will pray for guidance for me as well
as for all you.
Thanks, Ahmed
Dear Ahmed,
I am deeply moved by your honesty. I am also impressed by your
level of decency, where, to be true, I have failed myself. A few
comments I made could have been more restrained. I will undoubtedly
learn and improve in future.
I also urge my readers, the supporters in particular, to be more
restrained against attacking the individuals; our attacks, which
means unrestrained criticism in decent language, should be targeted
at Islam, Muhammad and Allah included.
I am personally an atheist and a liberal humanist. It's hardest
to be an atheist, I know. I am atheist just because I did not come
across any irrefutable argument in support of the existence of God.
My overall philosophy is that whether there is a god or not, it
does not matter but living a good, honest and contributory life
does. If there is a God, everything human beings do, or are capable
of doing—good or bad—also ultimately spring from God. Our biological
constitution—created by none else but God (I say ‘nature’)—is
entirely responsible for all our actions. God cannot punish us for
doing things, which He has made us capable of doing. In this regard,
I like Einstein's words most: "I cannot believe in a God who will
sit in judgment of his own creation."
Most of all, even no human father, with all his frailties and
short-comings, would not wish to punish his sons or daughters for
whatever crime they commit in the way Allah wants to punish humans
in hellfire. Not even Hitler would have liked to punish the Jews the
way Allah promises to punish sinners—his own creation, created out
of his love. If He truly wants so, He is not worth the respect of
civilized, compassionate human beings like you and me. I would
rather protest this barbarity of Allah and happily join billions of
otherwise good, humane and very valuable human beings, who will be
in the pit of fire for eternity after death.
As you are on a path to find truth, I will advise you to start
with the biography of the Prophet (by Ibn Ishaq or al-Tabari, the
latter is more systematic but harder to get), followed by the Quran.
This will help you understand Islam. If you are satisfied, stay with
it. If not, move on to explore more.
Wish you best in your journey.
MA Khan
MA Khan is the editor of website.
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