Now you can download the book “Understanding Muhammad”
for free in Hindi. Many of you kept asking for a free copy of that book
and Ali Sina sent you the older edition. Ali Sina saw the value of
this book in freeing Muslims from the yoke of Islam and recognized that
many Muslims, especially those living in Islamic countries cannot afford
to purchase it. So he made it free.
No Muslim who has read this book in full
has remained a Muslim even after reading it in full, says Ali Sina.
Every Muslim who has read it has left Islam. This book was available in English, in Arabic, in Urdu, in Indonesian and in Tamil
till now. Readers were demanding this book in Hindi which is spoken by
or understood by at least 600 million people in India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh and Nepal. It is now available for free download in the PDF format in Hindi.
We are trying to get a translation in
Bangla which is also spoken by or understood by around 250 million
people in the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam, Tripura and the
country of Bangladesh. Anyone interested in translating this book in
Bangla or Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarati, Sindhi, Punjabi,
Kashmiri, Assamese, Oriya, Marathi or any other language can get in
touch with us.